Business Case

The concept of writing a business case sounds simple – put forward a recommendation of a change you want to make, identify the investment required and the resulting benefits for your business and share this with senior management. Once approval is provided implement the project. The reality is a sizeable challenge for every company.

Companies That Do Not Use A Business Case To Deliver Projects
Companies That Do Not Use A Business Case To Deliver Projects

Leaders must deliver on their agreement, no matter the context they inherit or face: excuses are not tolerated for long by demanding stakeholders. As a result, leaders come under enormous pressure to perform, with limited resources and restricted time.

Dr Peter Fuda

Business cases are developed to obtain management commitment and approval for investment in business change including programmes and projects. A business case provides a framework for the planning and management of organisational change. The ongoing viability of the programme or project is monitored against the business case.

Every business has problems, every leader must make decisions efficiently and ensure they achieve the result. The project management profession exists to resolve those problems. Our experienced consultants work with leaders to provide:

Decades ago the business case was written to ensure the triple constraints of scope, budget and time were met.

Fast forward to the current era and companies no longer just want the triple constraint, they also expect value, ROI, benefits realisation, cost-benefit analysis, change management, communication and stakeholders involved, risk analysis, solution options, strategical alignment, whole of life costs.

Business cases that don’t relate to business objectives fail to connect their audience. The majority of the most influential in gaining approval are business users themselves, and nearly half of these are C-level representatives. Many make the mistake of trying to implement an enterprise-wide solution. This is extremely difficult to do and can create a fragmented end goal. If you are able to show that adding value in one area, although small, can have a positive impact on the business as a whole, you are more likely to have your business case.

We embrace the human side of business, which makes us better at delivering the business side of business. Achieving ambitions is about unlocking the potential within every individual, every client, and every company.

Types of customers

It can be difficult to understand when you need help with a problem or research an opportunity. In the day to day world you live in, there are many tasks that do not get finished as quickly as you expected or wished for. There are the all too common distractions of:

Our customers have these challenges and more. This is where we can help you to understand what you are trying to achieve and recommend a starting point.

Industries we have experience in

Types of customers

Business projects include Enterprise Mobility growth program to deliver new services to enterprise customers such as IoT, BYOD, Connected Vehicle solutions & telematics, Unified Communications, cloud platforms, security.

Data Collection System to provide a new modern, efficient and flexible solution for all industry stakeholders.

Business process innovation to review the different services provided to clients and how to do this more effectively and economically given changes in technology, shipping and international laws.

Consumer banking, integrated payments, point of sale, risk and compliance management and AML .


Programme and Project Management is a key component for delivering successful outcomes, which is why Go Live uses best practice program and project management standards to deliver our solutions to customers. Our delivery capabilities are underpinned by:

With project management being core to the success of any project, Go Live’s project management team consists of Program Managers, Senior Project Managers, Project Managers, Business Analysts and Project Coordinators.

Our team have attained industry-recognised credentials and memberships from the AIPM (Australian Institute of Project Management), PRINCE2 (OGC), MSP (OGC) and PMI (Project Management Institute). This demonstrates our highly competent delivery skills.

GO LIVE Consultants